Minimum Wage
- Japanese
- 最低賃金
The minimum amount paid to an employee as an hourly wage. This amount is set for each prefecture and can vary between industry.
The minimum wage applies regardless of employment type, age, or nationality. If an employer doesn't pay more than the minimum wage, they will be fined 500,000 yen or less.
The minimum wage amount applies for labor contracts also and therefore employers attempting to pay less than this could face a fine and will be deemed invalid.
Benefits, Systems
Minimum Wages by Region
The minimum standard wage amount set for each of the 47 prefectures.
Specified Minimum Wages
People aged between 18 and 65 years old, a person who has not acquired specific skills and has been employed for more than 3 months, and is working in one of the following industries.
- Processed milk/milk-based drinks, dairy products or a sugar manufacturing industry
Steel industry
- Manufacturing of information and communication machinery and equipment such as electronic parts and devices
Ship manufacturing/repair industry, hull block manufacturing industry
Wage table
Listed from north to south
Prefectures in Japanese | Prefectures | Minimum Wages by Region |
北海道 | Hokkaido | 920 yen |
青森 | Aomori | 853 yen |
岩手 | Iwate | 854 yen |
宮城 | Miyagi | 883 yen |
秋田 | Akita | 853 yen |
山形 | Yamagata | 854 yen |
福島 | Fukushima | 858 yen |
茨城 | Ibaraki | 911 yen |
栃木 | Tochigi | 913 yen |
群馬 | Gunnma | 895 yen |
埼玉 | Saitama | 987 yen |
千葉 | Chiba | 984 yen |
東京 | Tokyo | 1,072 yen |
神奈川 | Kanagawa | 1,071 yen |
新潟 | Niigata | 890 yen |
富山 | Toyama | 908 yen |
石川 | Ishikawa | 891 yen |
福井 | Fukui | 888 yen |
山梨 | Yamanashi | 898 yen |
長野 | Nagano | 908 yen |
岐阜 | Gifu | 910 yen |
静岡 | Shizuoka | 944 yen |
愛知 | Aichi | 986 yen |
三重 | Mie | 933 yen |
滋賀 | Shiga | 927 yen |
京都 | Kyoto | 968 yen |
大阪 | Osaka | 1,023 yen |
兵庫 | Hyogo | 960 yen |
奈良 | Nara | 896 yen |
和歌山 | Wakayama | 889 yen |
鳥取 | Tottori | 854 yen |
島根 | Shimane | 857 yen |
岡山 | Okayama | 892 yen |
広島 | Hiroshima | 930 yen |
山口 | Yamaguchi | 888 yen |
徳島 | Tokushima | 855 yen |
香川 | Kagawa | 878 yen |
愛媛 | Ehime | 853 yen |
高知 | Kochi | 853 yen |
福岡 | Fukuoka | 900 yen |
佐賀 | Saga | 853 yen |
長崎 | Nagasaki | 853 yen |
熊本 | Kumamoto | 853 yen |
大分 | Oita | 854 yen |
宮崎 | Miyazaki | 853 yen |
鹿児島 | Kagoshima | 853 yen |
沖縄 | Okinawa | 853 yen |
Links of Keywords
Reduction, Examption, Deduction
How to check
The minimum wage is the wage actually paid excluding the following wages.
- Temporary wages (marriage allowance, etc.)
- Wages paid every period that is more than one month (bonuses, etc.)
- Wages paid for work exceeding the prescribed working hours (overtime premium wages, etc.) ・ Wages paid for work on days other than the prescribed working days (extra wages on holidays, etc.)
- The portion that exceeds the wage of normal working hours, wages paid for work between 10pm and 5am (midnight extra wages, etc.)
- Perfect attendance allowance, commuting allowance and family allowance
① Hourly wage system Hourly wage ≥ minimum wage (hourly)
② Daily wage system Daily wage ÷ scheduled working hours per day ≥ minimum wage (hourly) However, if a specific (by industry) minimum wage with a fixed daily wage is applied, daily wage ≥ minimum wage (daily wage)
③ Monthly salary system Monthly salary ÷ 1 month average scheduled working hours ≥ minimum wage (hours)
Links of Keywords
Others (Note,important Points, Points)
★Specified Minimum Wages have a priority because Specified Minimum Wages are higher than Minimum Wage by prefectures, in general.